Other Vibrational Constructs 

This phrase seems to sum up my experiences through this life, starting back in the mid nineteen sixties when one might say I nearly stopped vibrating. From that time on I have explored and embraced “Tips from the Edge.” I am pleased to be sharing them.  


How one’s body is in harmony with itself and the environment is a barometer for its ability to sustain wellness.

  • “Wellness, a desired state of being.” What an interesting thought.  In fact my last 46 years have centered on regaining, sustaining and ingraining this state into every cell of my body. This is the journey I wish to share, so one might better understand that attuning our bodies and environment is a major tool in attaining a state of wellness. 
  • You see, throughout these years I have tended to lapse into states of dis-ease, from physical paralysis to cancer. Through it all, or maybe because of it all, I have been fortunate to realize a great underlying principle. This truth is centered on the understanding that what we perceive as our reality is quite different from what it actually is! 
  • “All things are in vibration.” This undisputable fact encompasses a volume of unperceived realities, the least of which is our planet’s constant rotations and hurling at tremendous speed through space. So much of what goes on is, as they say, "beyond the veil", and so we relegate these phenomenal actions to a subliminal unawareness.
  • As you venture through these links, the importance of awareness and attuning hopefully will come clear. I am by nature and practice what I call a vibrational artisan. This activity focuses on how a particular substance vibrates. My ultimate goal with these endeavors or challenges is the soliciting of maximum efficiency through the chosen item in question. Most often many factors with uncommon connections are employed. 
  • Sound (music) has been one of my greatest mediums on these adventures. With this understood, I conceived, built and play a musical instrument which I named the “Voice of Reason”. This instrument has the ability, among its other unique applications, to present the player with the opportunity to virtually surf on the sound (sine) waves as they leave the instrument. Ultimately this instrument turned out also to be a major prosthetic device which helped return function to my right arm back from total paralysis. 
  • The below article entitled “The Tenor Musical Instrument” is a treatise I have written on one of my Voice of Reason instruments. To further explain how this one-of-a-kind musical instrument, patterned after the ancient African Mbira, assisted me on this amazing adventure into wellness.
  • In 1986 I conceived and administered a ten-day festival in Maine, with the help of my friends, entitled “How Peoples of the World Celebrate Wellness.” I have provided a link, on your left, so you may listen to a 7-minute excerpt from my live concert as we closed out that festival with our extraordinary musicians and the Voice of Reason.


What a miracle!

Stay Well and at peace, Ryphon   

Tips From the Edge

Unique composition featuring the Voice of Reason musical instrument created by Ryphon

Current Events

Join us Saturdays 

from 8 am to 12pm at the Crozet Farmers Market

Once in a Blue Moon

Audio Album / CD

A  7 min excerpt of “Obira Nim” from this album  is  playable beneath the menu to the left)

Recording Set List 

1. OBIRA NIM *    16:52 min. 

Ryphon - Voice of reason (Double Bass) 

Vieux Diop - Kora        

Jimmy Cruiz – Flute         

2. YO BALIMA    2:00 min.

Arranged by Vieux Diop 

Vieux Diop - Vocal and Slit Drum 

Randy Parmeley - Flute 

Jimmy Cruiz - Barambah     

Ron McBee - Drums 

3. INCANTATION *    10:09 min.

Ryphon - Voice of Reason (Soprano) 

Vieux Diop – Kora                

Jimmy Cruiz & Randy Parmeley – Flute

Ron McBee – Drums    

4. ANOTHER WAY *      10:00 min.

Ryphon - Vocal & Voice of Reason (Double Bass)

Vieux Diop - Kora

Jimmy Cruiz - Flute & Shakers

Ron McBee - Drums

5. ALAKALE       8:16 min.

Traditional Senegalese Composition

Vieux Diop - Kora

Ryphon - Voice of Reason (Double Bass)

Jimmy Cruiz & Randy Parmeley - Flute

Ron McBee - Percussion 

* Composition & Arrangement by Ryphon

“Voice of Reason” - a unique instrument created by master craftsman Ryphon and patterned after the African Mbira!

Kora - a multi stringed gourd instrument indigenous of Senegal, West Africa!

A Live acoustic performance by group “Third Steam” featuring the “Voice of Reason”* played by Ryphon during “The Whole Thing “86” - how peoples of the world celebrate wellness - Festival” Waldoboro Maine. 


The Tenor

Musical Instrument 

Before we start, I would like to share that at one point in my life, I had a motorcycle collision causing serious physical disabilities. My creation of these musical instruments greatly assisted in my recovery efforts. Refer to the “back story” section of this treatise for more details.

Now for a visual and audio tour of the aspects built into this prototype Tenor “Voice of Reason” I call “Unity”.

I chose Brazilian Rosewood for the body of this instrument. One of the two amazing properties of this exotic hard wood is the unparalleled visual beauty of its colors and natural arrays. As this one-of-a-kind musical instrument was manifesting 50 years ago, I scanned the various boards of Rosewood Identifying and selecting certain spatially perceivable areas.

I then matched and seamlessly unified them into one continuous scene of mountain, sky, comet, the turbulent forces of the sea and of humans.

The second aspect of this wood is its exceptional ability to absorb and sustain sign waves. Utilizing this ability, the instrument is now capable of housing, amplifying, and stabilizing the Nebula of sine waves that are being formed. To govern this intricately explosive interplay, a unique fingering system needed to be sculpted into unity. This resulted in facilitating such surprising phenomena as the “**Missing Fundamental Illusion”! Another of the aspects of my fingering system features the ergonomics of the calibrated sound hole I call the “Tragic Smile”. The “Surf is up” for one to maneuver these sine waves of dimensional frequencies. 

(The Voice of Reason Fingering System: (available upon request)

In 1973, my intention was to manifest a prototype for all five voices of my proposed line of Voice of Reason musical instruments. The tenor was to be the apex prototype of its voicing. It was built to encompass and exploit all my conceived innovative applications to this ancient ancestral vehicle of the *Griots. The modifications would, I proposed, afford me the opportunity with my disabilities to attempt the intricate interplay famous for the so-called thumb piano. Little did I know that this would be achievable only through this unique configuration, which curiously was the modification that accommodated and transcended what I had left of my dexterity.

The different playing styles

A traditional style - two thumbs striking the keys and the first fingers playing their sound holes. I did eventually set up my for-sale production line of instruments for this style. These instruments were sold throughout the United States and in England in such places as “The Museum of African Art”, Affiliate of the Smithsonian Institute and “Musica Rara” in England.  

My personal instruments are set up in the following modified style –

The four fingers of the left hand are for striking the keys while that thumb is naturally poised ergonomically over the “Tragic Smile” sound hole facilitating the focusing of notes as needed.

The right hand holds the chamber while its thumb, as well as the middle and third fingers employ the instrument’s fingering system focusing these side holes as each note may require:

Applications of my style

  • Hollow toning
  • Focusing a note
  • Focusing an independent melody from a repeating pattern of notes or a base line
  • Focusing a note within a cord
  • Focusing a melody from within a repeating series of cords
  • Trilling a note or a series
  • Warbling
  • Focusing a Missing fundamental note

* Explanation Griot – Within certain Ancient African tribes there were individuals who kept the history of the tribe, and they would. On special occasions retell the history and speak to the ancestors. They created and played idiophones (Mbira, Saunas, Kalimbas…) to assist them in their task to connect with the Ancestors.

**see the article below - 

“The phenomena within the Voice of Reason“ 

Back Stories: The following will help you understand my need to create these musical instruments! Due to my paralysis, I conceived this prosthetic device to accommodate and assist in the performance of the complicated task set out by the Griots of old.

It turns out that through this “hero’s journey” I am regaining my muscles and lost dexterity. Thus, through these 50 years this construct assisted and waited as one overcame the grip of paralysis enough to begin gaining proficiency and awakening to the built-in intricacies which is the “Voice of Reason”!

Physical status – While on my motorcycle, a car crossed my path. At the time of this high-speed collision a few days before my 19th birthday in 1965 I sustained many injuries. The longest lasting was sustaining nerve damage to my right arm. This caused paralysis in those muscles and atrophy from the shoulder to my fingers. Which even now mostly can only grasp. Also, my right thumb became numb with no extension ability. Third, I sustained a broken left wrist. After the first setting of this wrist, serious complications developed. But this is the most functional of my appendages.

In 72 there was still considerable atrophy and weakness. So, I had a muscle transfer operation affording my right hand some ability to flex upward. Interestingly, I had been right-handed until I lost its use. In 1973 I still wore or had just discarded the last series of braces on my right arm and hand which had been a major necessity since the collision.

Therefore, in this new physical world of severe limitations and having no major woodworking experience I was building a prosthetic device. Creating a new concept out of an ancient construct, an intricate lefthand lead instrument without being able to experience or actively explore the dimensional spread and facility of function that would be required. But it was built further to challenge my dexterity until I regained it and could move forward.

For example, up until months before this writing. I had yet to fully realize that the “Tragic Smile” was ergonomically set. As the fingers of the left-hand stay poised to perform their varied tasks. The thumb is functionally positioned to focus any of the five lowest notes of this tenor’s optimal key arrangement. Also barely noticeable, there is a fifth sound hole in this chamber. A distorted Tragic Smile adjunct to its dimensional image. This instrument was truly manifest from the etheric plane where I believe one may explore with the assist of the Voice of Reason.

I am truly amidst a miracle.

P.S. Les Paul when injured had Doctors fuse his elbow so he could continue playing his unique style on the guitar. Interestingly he was the first to develop the application of electricity to his guitar, achieving effects that are now the standard. 

I on the other hand, modified the Ancient Mbira so it would be playable for me, prosthetically assisting my hand back to its functional equilibrium. In so doing you hear the beginnings of the amazing, and when proficiently mastered, Voice of Reason’s transcendent ability to affect, manipulate and create sine waves. All without the use of any electrical assistance.

Stay well and at peace, Ryphon!

Excerpts from the solo tenor recording. - (available upon request)

On 8/18/23 I sat on my porch, turned on the Tascam dp-006 tape recorder and played for ~three minutes echoing “When Sunny Gets Blue” with no effects of any kind being added to the recording music. One can hear the beginnings of how the sound hole’s function when allowed to focus and augment each note.

 The possibilities are endless for the system I envisioned so many years ago and built into this Tenor Voice of Reason.

Front and Top with Ebony Wood Sound Bracing

Bottom and Side View

The Phenomena Within the Voice of Reason


The instrument I call the Voice of Reason, that I began to develop in 1970 is to my understanding unique in its ability to supply an acoustical environment which allows the following actions to arise: As we know the Voice of Reason has several tuned keys affixed upon its chamber. A tuned key once struck transfers its harmonic series of notes into the chamber. Given that a standing wave (note) is made up of partials (notes), the lowest partial in that series is the fundamental tone.

First, that vibrational series fundamental now may be focused to its maximum within the chamber by utilizing the Voice of Reasons built in fingering system. A very important transition occurs at this point. A traditional percussion instrument has now also become a unique wind instrument.

Second, when more notes are struck. Those vibrational series combine with the other notes (sine waves) presently vibrating. At this point the chamber amplifies the fundamentals of all the partials vibrating in the chamber as they hold dominants. Thus, causing fundamental tones which were initially not one of the struck keys to manifest and become audible. What I refer to as a free fundamental. 

“A manifested energy initiated within the chamber by a grouping of two or more keys. The resulting Free Fundamental is often beyond the instruments otherwise attainable range achievable by its usual means.” (My explanation in the 90’s of what this instrument is doing in real time, uniquely I find, turns out to be the same action deciphered by the mathematician Joseph Fourier in the eighteen hundreds as the “Missing Fundamental Illusion”. I know of no other instrument than the V. of R. which can produce this illusion with so many varied options available in real time.)

The phenomenon again is the tuned sine waves joining in the chamber to become a new series of partials manifesting free tone fundamentals. An example from my Ebony Wood Soprano. Striking the keys (metal strips) which are tuned to F sharp and B in the middle C octave. The electronic tuner registers that I am playing note B two octaves below middle C. This is an obvious free fundamental or missing fundamental illusion. I personally hear all three notes and often the free tone seems to originate from another location in the room.

So, the sine wave both holds its wave form and shares its vibration, combining to establish a free vibrational series fundamental. The Voice of Reason focusing (fingering system) activities are required to bring the free fundamentals fully audible. 

  Therefore, as I mentioned in the Tenor V. of R. treatise, (see above*) the Voice of Reason allows one to actually surf on sine waves. As the chamber makes audible a fuller spectrum of the composite vibrations within it. “The surf is up”!

Fulcrum de Ebony / The Staff

A Soliciting Provocateur of Normal Movement

At this time I am very pleased to announce my latest creation to date, the Fulcrum De Ebony. This is the culmination of all effort, foresight and understandings that I have gleamed as an artisan through these past years. This medical devise is accelerating all aspects of my 50-year adventure towards overcoming my paralysis, subsequent atrophies and physical imbalances. As your interest dictates. You may contact me for further information into the “Fulcrum Concept”. 

Fulcrum de Ebony, 

The Sixth Node -

 within the four-foot apparatus

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